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Group Therapy

Group Therapy is an effective therapeutic process provided in a supportive environment where participants can recognize and overcome unhealthy thinking patterns and learn healthier ways to cope with uncomfortable emotions. Being a member of a therapy group gives the lived experience that others have similar feelings, problems, hopes, and fears. This understanding of our similarities is an important part of healing. Group members have the unique advantage of interpersonal learning which helps to achieve a greater level of self-awareness and provides the opportunity to lift and instill hope in others. Group therapy includes 8-10 members and lasts for 60 minutes. We offer a variety of groups, including group therapy and emotional wellness workshops. Some groups are time-limited with a specific focus, while others are broader and open-ended. Please see the group descriptions below for more information about groups currently offered at Counseling Services.



How do I join a therapy group?

For current clients, speak to your current therapist about joining a group.

For new clients, please call, email, or walk-in to schedule a consultation appointment for a "brief screening." The client must complete the online consent and intake form.

TitleFacilitatorDay and TimeStart and End DateLocationDescription
Reconciling Faith and SexualitySusiane ManningTBATBATBA

A process group for LGBTQ+ students to explore their identities, help support one another, and work towards spiritual and psychological health.

Open ProcessMich SuyamaTBATBAGroup RoomA therapeutic process group for individuals with diverse needs.
Men's Self-Enhancement Kaeo AloTBATBAGroup Room Supporting men towards developing awareness of mental, emotional, and behavioral wellness.


How do I join a Drop-In Group?

Drop-in groups are open to all interested students and do not require a referral or initial consultation appointment. Students may attend as many of the drop-in group sessions as needed. Clients must complete the online registration, consent, and intake forms. Please click on the title of the group you are interested in to complete the registration.

Title FacilitatorDay and TimeStart and End Date LocationDescription
Wise MindSister SilvaTBATBAGroup Room

A DBT life skills group to learn and develop tools to manage stress, frustration, and crisis, and to be effective in relationships.

Connect with Self and OthersAcademic Trainees and InternsTBATBAGroup RoomAn opportunity to better understand yourself within the context of relationships and to practice skills to improve connections and relationships.
Grief Support GroupTBATBATBAGroup Room Process grief and loss of a loved one through death in a supportive group environment.
"Rooted" Garden Therapy GroupKaeo Alo
Susiane Manning
3:30 pm - 5 pm
May 8 - June 12Kumuwaiwai Center for Sustainability This group offers students a chance to boost their emotional
well-being in a garden setting, while exploring the principles of cultivation, reconnection, transformation, and engagement.
Mother's Support GroupJazzeth Kau, Intern TBATBATBAA group for mothers-expecting, new, or seasoned-provides a safe space to navigate the joys and challenges of motherhood, including postpartum depression and other mental health issues.


How do I join a Workshop?

Workshops are open to all students. A referral, initial consultation, online registration, and intake forms are not required.
You can call, email, or walk in to our office if you would like to join one of these workshops.

TitleFacilitatorDay and TimeStart and End Date Location Description
Emotional Wellness 101Academic Trainees and InternsWednesday
11 am-12 pm
May 8-June 26Group RoomPsychoeducational and skills building workshops on common emotional concerns and specific topics such as anxiety, depression, self-esteem, anger management, perfectionism, and stress management.
Seven Principles for Marriage Kristin Myres
Nathan Myres
TBATBATBAIn this class, partners will learn new approaches for resolving conflicts, creating new common ground, and achieving higher levels of friendship and intimacy.
Let's TalkAcademic Trainees and InternsThursday
11 am-12:00 pm
May 16-June 20Aloha Center 133Drop-in to talk with a counselor about any concerns or issues you may have.
Art TherapyEric Orr
Susiane Manning
TBATBATBAIntegrating psychotherapy with the creative process though artistic expression such as drawing, painting, collage, and coloring.